Episode 1- Dial Design


Giles Ellis answers six questions on the subject of watch dial design and explains the processes, both technical and creative, that help get a project off the ground. He discusses what he loves in a dial and the mistakes made by even the biggest brands.

In this first of a new series of podcasts produced by Schofield Watch Company, Giles and Harry discuss the following six questions:

  1. What’s the deal with designing a new watch?
  2. How have your ideas about making a dial changed from when you first designed the Signalman?
  3. Which watches do you think have the best dials and why? What makes an iconic dial?
  4. What do you really hate in a dial?
  5. What are the different stages of dial manufacture?
  6. How does the design of the dial affect the rest of the watch, from the case to the strap?

Mentions in this podcast for The Daymark, The Telemark and the Bronze Beater.

Click here to access the Six Pips on iTunes.

If you have any questions for us which may be included in future episodes then please contact us at social(at)schofieldwatchcompany.com.