Completely Pink Watches No. 473

Before the pink watches – In a brief moment the rain stopped.

A Drop fell on the Apple Tree –
Another – on the Roof –
A Half a Dozen kissed the Eaves –
And made the Gables laugh –

A few went out to help the Brook,
That went to help the Sea –
Myself Conjectured were they Pearls –
What Necklaces could be …

Emily Dickinson’s Summer Shower.

From Mr H. Cape Pallier Lighthouse in Wellington New Zealand. Schofield’s worn far and wide!

Raw Bronze B3 time! The Raw case is untreated and ready for patina! How fast and to what colour is wholly dependent on you and your environment, this includes chemical influences like perfume and soaps, the temperature of your home and car, whether a cuff removes the oxidation on the bezel and the many other ways in which the watch is handled. Each case becomes unique and from settling in (around 6 months) will keep changing, subtly, for ever.

Bad Mood Black Cat is confirmed! Just 3, all black, nighttime manoeuvres stealth watches.The case back – bad mood, well that was me (I’m over it now). Black cat because as luck would have it, they are cool. Moody black cloud with a just visible silver lining. Angry lightning; 3 strikes. 2 tears, 1 Bad Mood Black Cat with 3 whiskers. And to make it all worse – rain.More as it happens.

The British Watch Makers Alliance has announced that the Inaugural watch show will be Saturday the 9th March at Lindley hall 2024! Save the date! It will be good. More info on the British Watchmakers website, where you will also find a Podcast featuring me. If you like pink watches them come pay us a visit. Or click this link…

Colours and precision! Pink Watches! The B5 Purplex custom order and the Neon Blue strap, available online.