It is not often that we speak about customers (as privacy is paramount at HQ) but we were recently inspired to create a whole new watch based on the imagination of one of our most articulate customers. Mr G’s journey with Schofield started with us helping to facilitate the purchase of a pre-loved Blacklamp after our stock numbers had long expired. From there his collection grew with all of the necessary ancillaries (straps, kits, torches etc.) and subsequently even Mrs G has since become a member. Some of you may have come across our straps made from the most wonderful fabrics provided by Mrs G. Mr G has inspired a new watch through his commissioning of a custom Telemark. After numerous conversations over this unique piece, a seed was set to develop a night-time operations version of the Telemark, this is the very watch we expect to have ready by the end of the year. This Pip is dedicated to Mr & Mrs G because without the feedback from our eccentric members we would fail to feel as fortunate on our journey as we have been.