1. Evening all! Well, what a show! Ireland was just the best as it always is and the show, the main reason for going, was brilliant. From an exhibitor’s point of view it was all class, so much talking I think I have permanently damaged some cords. Anyway, relevant to you is the fact you missed out, not just with Schofield but with the esteemed company we kept; Zeitwinkel, Philippe Narbel, Andreas Strehler, Bernhard Lederer, Patrik Sjögren, Stephen McGonigle, John McGonigle, Vianney Halter, Rune Bakkendorff, Thomas Prescher, Christian Lass, Marc Jenni, Kevin Chellar and Bryan Leech. I urge you to Google these names as they represent the very top tier of watchmaking skill. The good news is that it is almost certainly going to be on next year. So please consider booking a holiday in Waterford!
  2. Back keeping shop. Which BTW is the best thing ever, I am never happier than keeping shop.
  3. The Buoys Club is (sometime next week) getting an exclusive boatload of stuff. Yes, they are straps and these ones are BC only. So keep an eye.
  4. This is Chanctonbury Ring, visible from the pavement in front of the shop. A significant landmark to all those from this neck of the woods. Local legend has it that Chanctonbury Ring was created by the Devil and that he can be summoned by running around the clump of trees seven times anticlockwise. When he appears he will offer the summoner a bowl of soup in exchange for their soul. Personally, I would rather just make my own soup!

    The occultists Aleister Crowley and his associate Victor Neuburg, who lived in Steyning two miles away from Chanctonbury Ring, were reportedly convinced that the site was a “place of power” for its pre-Christian religious significance. I can attest to having many odd experiences up on Chanctonbury Ring, which would be wholly inappropriate to regale in such a professional forum as the Pips. However perhaps there is scope for a watch that runs anticlockwise?!

  5. Treasure Watch time! Showing the Treasure Watch at the Irish Festival of Time show was a perfect choice with it being hosted within the Waterford Museum of Time complex. Here we see Franks Casket engraved on the case back. The runic script you see is from Franks Casket itself and is used on all Treasure Watches because it reads two ways, the first as rivers and mountains (also engraved) and second, the hidden meaning, is treasure or wealth! That’s super cool which is why it’s there. Also a gold X marks the spot – hard to miss 🙂
  6. The Milanese straps went so fast we had to order more that Thursday night! Right now new stock is being engraved. So if you have emailed already we will get to you shortly and if you would like one but have not emailed, this is ok because we will have stock shortly… so email just in case.