Evening all! It is show season and it looks like SWC is doing a small shindig in December as well as the others, more on that later, but the thing of great importance here is the fact that anyone attending any watch show, simply must have a UV-1! It reveals the luminous compounds on watch dials, a part of the design that is not always obvious. But you knew that.
The UV-1 is available for immediate dispatch!

2. Recap of event dates. Skip this Pip if you are on it. First is the World Time show, London Heathrow, Terminal 4 at the Sofitel Hotel. Just show up. Then in November, on the 12-13, The WatchPro Salon. This is the biggest smartest one on the roster. Get tickets here…

3. The P-2 literally unlike another. Other than it being a short stick you write with. The shape is original, the materials, the way the lid aligns with the body, the grip you hold, the badge and the carbon tube it comes in. Even the ink we use in it! All Schofield.

4. The Strange Lights on the wrist. For years I left this patch of real estate un-inked but lockdown got the better of me. It’s no biggy, it blends in with the others, however I cannot hide it. It is here to stay. Such is the way with tattoos.

5. This beauty/beasty is hopefully being launched around the middle of November. Consider it an anniversary watch, a classic Schofield, familiar… Those who come to the shows will see it! We will even be taking orders.

6. Straps focus. Big things are afoot in Schofield’s strap universe, but not for a second will anything new displace the classics, which will persist. This is purple and green tweed and the universally compatible Black Quadrant.