Evening all, gosh it feels like ages since I spoke to you last! Perhaps that is because Schofield has been whooping up excitement hither and thither. Starting from the small to the big. New printed Lug Pro cards – for the uninitiated, that is Lug Protection Stickers that go out free of charge with every new strap. Re-useable stickers that go over the lugs to protect them from accidental scratching when fitting a new strap. A fresh design for the internal intro card to go in the watch box, little things but they need doing. Updating various websites including the Undercurrents blog. Then recording a podcast for Fratello Watches magazine. Finalising the new Drivers. Fitting the most extraordinary door handle to the shop door. Made to my design by the same outfit that makes nearly all of our metal parts (shown above). Working on new projects, some massive! Yes, new watches! One of which was started two years ago, it will probably be another two years before we see it but, hey ho! Onwards!

2. I write with the P-2 every day. As do many others now. The P-2 is special.

3. I received some quick-fire questions from Rob Corder at Watch Pro which you can read here… https://www.watchpro.com/quickfire-qa-giles-ellis-founder-of-schofield-watch-company/

4. Strange Lights Not Quite Red! Strange lights are limited to 29 in each of the two colours. Why 29? That is a good question. I have never been a fan of forced numbers for marketing, unless it’s a date, for example if Schofield was to make (should we?) a 1066 watch then making 1066 of them makes sense. There are no numbers associated with Strange Lights so making 30 dials is a minimum, economical, manufacturing constraint. We keep one back for emergencies like insurance claims. Our dial makers are so good (top-tier Swiss) that there are no QC concerns.

5. Ceramic buckles in stock! Different colours. Email us.

6. Strap focus. The last of the British Cord. Cross wale design, super tough ‘n tactile. Pretty colours, Email 🙂